Marikiscrycrycry open rehearsal
Marikiscrycrycry is in residence at Mimosa House working on the premiere of their newest choreographic work 'Hotter Than A Pan'
Marikiscrycrycry is in residence at Mimosa House working on the premiere of their newest choreographic work 'Hotter Than A Pan'
Ayesha Tan-Jones’s operatic performance Parasites of Pangu and closing of Alter Heroes Coalition
Join us for a screening of Lynn Hershman Leeson’s Teknolust followed by a discussion led by Helen Hester which will explore the themes of the film in relation to our current exhibition Alter Heroes Coalition.
To think through the themes of Alter Heroes Coalition we will put in conversation Octavia Butler’s novel Dawn with two Khairani Barokka’s poems My mother calls me Srikandi and Moon Dances with Three Planets from Eve and Mary Are Having Coffee.
Featuring Tomaso Binga, Leah Capaldi, Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, Gery Georgieva, Yolanda López, Kent Monkman, Tabita Rezaire, Super Sohrab and Super Taus
Cherry Lips, Crystal Skies
An evening of performance at Lisson Gallery presented by Mimosa House and Haroon Mirza.
Travis Alabanza and Daniel Brathwaite-Shirley
GIRLISONFIRE - Dedicating to the sick and blooming - Monika Janulevičiūtė and Antanas Lučiūnas
Ania and Sula - Katarzyna Perlak, Rebecca Bellantoni and Rowdy SS
Anne Nora Fischer and Mo Maja Moesgaard present the themes of their work
Workshop led by Tejal Shah
Live performance, with digital and 16mm footage, exploring lesbian community love on Greenham Common.
An introductory session to 16mm projections for female/non-binary people
The CAMPerVAN Collective Presents: Community Centre, a day of exploration of kinship and community making
Lecture-performance and writing session to construct alternative narratives to the patriarchal myths which have formed the foundation of our socio-political imaginary
The Formaldehyde Trip oratory performance and screening.
Xenometrics, a programme of screenings, talks and installation about queer futurities, mechanisms of resistance and surveillance politics.
Linda Stupart will perform from a new project, 'some men have mistaken me for death', featuring underground futures, PTSD as time travel, ceramics, and horses.
Life drawing class based on the figure of travesti in theatre.
Marikiscrycrycry will perform excerpts from their newest work hotter than a pan.
Mimosa House invites you to The first Reading of Stephane Mallarmé’s Le Livre.
We will be discussing a selection of texts and poems on the subject of Queer Futures, to coincide with our next programme of events taking place from March to May 2018.
For our first reading group of 2018 we will be reading Braidotti, Parikka and a Apichatpong poem.