Queer Futures
27 MARCH – 19 MAY 2018
Queer Futures is a public programme of events and exhibition exploring narratives for queer resistance, from mythology and folklore to speculative science fiction. The programme will include performances, screenings, discussions and workshops and each event will leave a contribution in the space to form a gradually expanding archive.
Tuesday 27 March, 7pm Marikiscrycrycry
Marikiscrycrycry will perform excerpts from their newest work hotter than a pan.
Friday 6 April, 7pm Emiliano Maggi Life drawing class
Part performance, part drawing session based on the figure of travesti in theatre.
Saturday 14 April, 3pm Lauren Steinberg W . I . P
W . I . P functions as a performance that embraces the art of failure by queering, clowning and exhausting contemporary references to class and gender through the sport of polo.
Thursday 19 April, 7pm Linda Stupart
Linda Stupart will perform from a new project, 'some men have mistaken me for death', featuring underground futures, PTSD as time travel, ceramics, and horses.
Saturday 28 April, 6pm Pedro Marum
Xenometrics, a programme of screenings, talks and installation about queer futurities, mechanisms of resistance and surveillance politics.
Thursday 10 May, 6pm Naomi Ricón Gallardo
The Formaldehyde Trip oratory performance and screening
Saturday 12 May, 5-8pm Avenir Institute Queering Mythography for Alternative Futures
Lecture-performance and writing session to construct alternative narratives to the patriarchal myths which have formed the foundation of our socio-political imaginary.
Saturday 19 May, 2-6pm CAMPerVAN
Community Centre CCC, a day of exploration of kinship and community making.
Tuesday 22 May, 7-8pm Nina Wakeford 'an apprenticeship in queer I believe it was’
Live performance, with digital and 16mm footage, exploring the queerness of Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp.