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Please join us for a peformance evening of our new exhibition The Baroness with Nora Gomringer, Liv Schulman and Laura Moreton-Griffiths.
Nora-Eugenie Gomringer is a German and Swiss poet and writer. She has won a number of awards, including the 2013 Literaturpreis des Kulturkreises der deutschen Wirtschaft, the 2015 Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis and the Carl Zuckmayer Medal by Rhineland-Palatinate. She lives in Bamberg, where she has been directing the International House of Artists Villa Concordia, a cultural institution founded by the State of Bavaria, since 2010. Her most lyrical work appears under the name Nora Gomringer, published by Voland & Quist. Hydra's Heads, a collection of her work translated into English by Annie Rutherford, appeared with Burning Eye Books in 2018.
Liv Schulman was born and grew up in Buenos Aires. She now lives and works in Paris. Through the constant use of writing in her video works and live performances, Liv’s work centres on how language affects individual and social bodies. The written word or a formulated dialog is always the starting point. Producing filmed discourse, she shows the effect that material and immaterial economies have on all of us. Liv studied art practice and art writing at the ENSAPC de Paris-Cergy, the Goldsmiths University of London, and the Lyon Post-Diploma. She is the winner of the 20th Prix Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, awarded on the occasion of the exhibition, curated by Neïl Beloufa in September 2018. Liv now lives and works in Paris.
Laura Moreton-Griffiths is a British artist and writer, working in London. She works through performance, drawing, painting, moving image, installation, sculpture, print and text. Storytelling for positive change, her stories blend fact and fiction and mix personal biography with overlooked events from history and current affairs. Traditional processes are mixed with interactive and broadcast technologies. The works are unapologetically wonky. Tender, funny, political, soulful, conflicting, sad. All try to find some form of agency. Graduated Royal College of Art, MA Contemporary Art Practice, Critical Practice (2021). Currently participating in a Year of Making, a residency for performance makers, led by Carline Salem at Clarence Mews.
With generous support from the Arts Council England, Fluxus Art Projects and Goethe-Institut London.